Spravka O Balansovoj Stoimosti Objekta Obrazec

  четверг 04 апреля
Spravka O Balansovoj Stoimosti Objekta Obrazec Rating: 4,5/5 5554 reviews

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Zadevni trg je majhen ter zajema sisteme in sestavne dele, ki se uporabljajo skoraj izključno za upravljanje zračnega prometa in niso namenjeni splošni javnosti; zato bi bilo pretirano nameščati znak CE na sestavne dele, saj na podlagi ocene skladnosti in/ali primernosti za rabo zadostuje proizvajalč e v a izjava o skladnosti; t o ne bi smelo vplivati na obveznosti proizvajalcev, da znak CE namestijo na nekatere sestavne dele za potrditev njihove skladnosti z drugo zakonodajo Skupnosti v zvezi z njimi. The market concerned is of small size and consists of systems and constituents used almost exclusively for air traffic management purposes and not intended for the general public; it would be therefore excessive to affix the CE mark to constituents as, on the basis of the assessm en t of conformity and/ or suitability for use, th e manuf act ure r's declaration of con formity is sufficient; that should not affect th e oblig ati on on ma nuf actur ers to affix the CE mark to certain constituents in order to certify their compliance with other Community legislation relating to them. Where Community harmonisation legislation require s a statement b y the manufacturer that fulfilment of the requirements relating to a product ha s be en demonstrated (E C declara tio n o f conformity), th e l egisl ation shall provide that a single declaration shall be drawn up in respect of all Community acts applicable to the product containing all information required for the identification of Community harmonisation legislation to which the declaration relates, and giving the publication references of the acts concerned.

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