Ramka Dlya Chertezha A1 Avtokad
A trademark distinguishes your products and services from those of your competitors. The greater the recognition and the appreciation of your trademark, the more financially valuable it becomes. Well-known trademarks represent priceless assets. A mark of distinction Trademarks can comprise one or more words, a design or a combination of these.
Codedome Computers Limited is Software Development and Computer Training Company of over nine years experience in practical data processing, system automation, computer systems supply and installation, web development, beginner's computer training, corporate training and professional training.
Trademark protection can also be acquired for packaging, such as the distinctive Coca-Cola® bottle. Slogans can also be registered – sometimes even sounds and scents. A good trademark should be unique, easy to remember and suitable for all markets and languages. National and international protection The usual procedure to acquire trademark protection is to apply for registration in one or more of the existing 34 product classes and 11 service classes.
The application can be for either a national registration, a EU registration or an international application designating the countries who are parties to the Madrid System. At Zacco we can assist you in obtaining registration of your trademark anywhere in the world. Yours for ever Your trademark can be maintained indefinitely by paying a renewal fee generally every 10 years. In most countries a trademark can be cancelled if it has not been used for a certain period of time. To prevent others from using your registered trademark, mark it with the ® symbol. A trademark which is not yet registered can be marked with TM. Domain names A domain name registration is not an intellectual property right – the only right you acquire is the right to the concrete domain.
However, since they have become central to business and to communication, it is a good idea to consider domain names at an early stage. Full service A trademark strategy is vital to your business. At Zacco we not only help you to register international trademarks, we also carry out preliminary searches and provide strategic advice. When strategic choices have been made, we can assist you with international license agreements and protect your trademark from infringement. We can represent you before the courts in the countries where we are located and – through our network – coordinate enforcement in any other country.
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