Snapchat Download For Nokia X2
My snapchat has stop working from last night to now. And i dont know why. Or it is because i don't google play to install my app or what.
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Best tablet for gaming? Best app for X-reason. Support links. I run CM12 without any google apps on my phone, and so far snapchats worked fine, besides the pop up saying that it needed google play services.
Today I decided to update, and when I opened snapchat I was logged out. When I pressed login, it said that I required google play services and wouldn't go past there. I somehow managed to bypass that and typed in my info, but it just said failed login after a long while. The version I updated to was 9.5, I've tried 9.4.2 as well as 9.3.1 and I haven't been able to log in to either of them. I've tried 8.1.2 (which was the version I had before and it was working fine or at least hadn't given me the message yet) and and it says I have to update. With the only version that does work being around 5.x.x which I can't get an apk for. Is there any solution for this besides installing Google Play Services?
EDIT: Apparently, it logs you out if you don't have Google Play Services no matter what. I flashed minimal gapps, logged in, and disabled them but it logged me out. Snapchat is such a terrible company.