Programma Rascheta Bloking Generatora
Designing, construction and successful startup in laboratory «B» (now SSC RFIPPE), in Obninsk on June, 27th, 1954 the First NPP became turn from purely military programs to peace use of an atomic energy. Researches of thermo hydraulics of nuclear power plants (NPP) in IPPE have begun in 1950th years in connection with work for a reactor with lead bismuth coolant and the fast reactors cooled by sodium. Their organizers and supervisors of studies were A.I. Leypunsky and V.I. Subbotin then P.L. Kirillov and A.D. The considerable contribution in researches have M.H.
Search the history of over 345 billion web pages on the Internet. Radar is a way of discovering the position or speed of objects such as aircraft or ships when they cannot be seen, by using radio signals. Pilots complained that the radars in the Mirages malfunctioned during conditions of high humidity.
Ibragimov, M.N. Ivanovsky, F.A. Kozlov, Yu.I. Ushakov, M.N. Arnoldov, G.P. Bogoslovskaja, V.P.
Gabrianovich, A.V. Kalaykin, Yu.D. Levchenko, N.I. Loginov, A.A. Lukjanov, P.N.
Martynov, A.N. Opanasenko, I.P. Sviridenko, A.P. Sorokin, Yu.S. Yuriev and others. Now SSC RFIPPE is one of leaders in State corporation «Rosatom» on thermal physics of NPP. Tiberian sun firestorm maps.
In IPPE there are available complex of the laboratories equipped modern experimental thermal physics base. Fundamental and the applied researches connected with a substantiation various NPP are spent in these laboratories. Fundamental researches are directed on development of the theory and creation of the numerical codes verified on the basis of special experiments for reception of the detailed description of velocity and temperature fields in any units of NPP equipment (reactor core, reactor vessel, steam generators).
Mathematical models and numerical methods are generalized for the description and numerical modeling of monophase flows, multiphase and multifluid systems. Applied researches and workings out are carried out by detailed studying of physical processes for reactors conditions and directed on search of such designs which provide optimum distributions of velocity and temperature in a reactor core, heat exchangers and steam generators.
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Results of researches are presented in monographies, in works of domestic and foreign conferences. Their summary was thermohydrailic substantiation of NPP with the sodium coolant agent (fast reactors BR10, BOR60, BN350, BN600, BN 800), eutectic alloy leadbismuth (atomic submarine designs 645 and 705) and alloy sodiumpotassium (space NPP – BUK, TOPAZ). For accumulation, storage and the analysis thermo physical data, their estimation, development of recommendations about NPP substantiation, verification of numerical codes was created the Center thermo physical data. For improvement of economic and ecological characteristics, raising of NPP safety as with water and liquid metal coolant, deeper understanding of the regularity defining thermohydraulic, physical and chemical and mass transfer processes is necessary. It is necessary to carry out new thermohydraulic researches as for creation of NPP new generation, such as BN1200, CVBR100, BREST300, BNVT, WWER1200, WWERTOI WWERSKD, space NPP with high power, electronuclear and accelerateddrive systems, thermonuclear installations and nonnuclear production engineering. Grabezhnaya V.A., Miheev A.S., Kryukov A.E. Ispytaniya modeli parogeneratora BREST pri rabote na chastichnyh i puskovyh parametrah.
Nauchnotehnicheskij sbornik «Itogi nauchnotehnicheskoj deyatel’nosti Instituta yadernyh reaktorov i teplofiziki za 2012 god». [Test model steam generator BREST at work on partial and starting parameters. Scientific and technical collection «The results of scientific and technological activities of the Institute of Nuclear and Thermal Physics in 2012»]. Obninsk, SSC RFIPPE. (in Russian). Efanov A.D., Kolmakov A.P., Kulikov B.I., Lozhkin V.V. Pomet’ko R.S., Smirnov A.M.