Istoriyu Bolezni Lakunarnaya Angina

  вторник 12 февраля
Istoriyu Bolezni Lakunarnaya Angina Rating: 4,5/5 2290 reviews

Angina pektoris deluje kot nekakšen opozorilni znak, nakazuje pa na možen pojav različnih bolezni srca. Omenjeno bolezensko stanje se lahko pojavi pri hoji, še zlasti v mrzlem vremenu ali po obroku. Angina pektoris se pojavlja pri obeh spolih, vendar le redko pri ženskah, mlajših od 60 let, saj jih varuje estrogen. Po menopavzi pa varovalni učinek estrogena postopno izginja, tako da so pri starejših ženskah tako angina pektoris kot tudi druge bolezni srca enako pogoste kot pri moških.

Case report The purpose of this paper is to present an atypical case of Ludwig’s angina, whose initial presentation suggested a diagnosis of a large laryngeal tumor. The patient, 62 years old, without other known pathologies, came to the Emergency Room with severe dyspnea, dysphagia, high fever, and severe hypoxemia. It enters in respiratory arrest and dies less than 24 hours after the initial presentation. During autopsy were found signs of infection in the floor of the mouth, trachea, epiglottis, larynx, and adjacent tissues. Knigu robert stoun zhizn bez ogranichenij.

The infective process lead to an erosion of a branch of the thyroid artery, leading to a hemorrhage in close contact with the larynx, that caused the pseudo-tumor pattern initially identified in the ER.